from barely surviving to thriving


Did you know the answer to thriving as a mommy is less not more?

I see you.  You’re overwhelmed and done with the messaging you get telling you, here’s ONE MORE THING you SHOULD be doing that all GOOD moms do. Yet something deep down in you is saying, this isn’t right. This isn’t how it’s supposed to be, is it?

When you make the choice to work with me, we don’t look at the motherhood SHOULD be, how showing up as a mom SHOULD be, how loving your child(ren) SHOULD be. We look within. We dive deep into who YOU are, how YOU want to show up, and how YOU can take action in your life TODAY that aligns with your authentic self…with EASE and FLOW.

Is this you?

You don’t have enough time in your day.

You’re snapping more at your kids than you are enjoying them.

You beat yourself up constantly.

You’re burnt out, exhausted, and overwhelmed.

imagine this instead.

Your life is mapped out in a way that brings you joy, freedom, and purpose.

You are living out life from your most authentic self.

You see motherhood as an amazing addition to your life.

You have confidence and assurance in yourself and your role as a mother.

I see you.

You think you need to have a better attitude about it all.

You put on a happy face and tell yourself that every other mom is so thankful and appreciative and that every other mom does it all so grin and bear it!

 Why hasn’t it worked? It hasn’t worked because this is comparing yourself and just leads you to feel even more shitty about yourself and how you truly feel, being overwhelmed, stressed, and burnt out.


You think you just need to DO MORE and WORK HARDER.

You wake up even earlier to throw in that extra load of laundry and empty the kitchen sink, attempting to knock out more chores by increasing your time, which only leads to more exhaustion by the end of the night, because there’s always more to do no matter how much time you have.

 Why hasn’t it worked? It hasn’t worked because once the dishes and clothes are done, you move on to the next thing…and the next thing…and the next…isn’t there always more to DO? 

You’ve tried “doing more” and “working harder.”  You’ve tried having a better attitude about it all.

But it didn’t work because doing more is not the answer.  If you look around, you will always find more TO DO.  You will always find a mom to compare yourself to that seems to be killing it.  Having a better attitude or working harder is NOT the answer.

What DOES work is getting clarity on the shame, self-doubt, and burnout you carry, exploring those pesky limiting beliefs that don’t serve you AT ALL, healing old wounds so you can step into your POWER, and connecting with your intuition and authentic self to rediscover your PASSION and PURPOSE! 

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Momma, I’ve been exactly where you are!

Hi!  My name is Angel Kay, Licensed Professional Counselor, Reiki Practitioner, and Intuitive Coach.

Momma, I’ve been exactly where you are right now!

I was the mom waking up every morning, wanting this day to be better, to feel better, to show up for my children, to model peace and joy, to live a life well balanced. Instead I felt rushed, moving from one task to the next…moving from an endless mess to cooking meals for children who wouldn’t eat what I cooked to pushing off working out because I was too exhausted and just wanted to hit the bed.    

The turning point for me was when I was drinking wine almost nightly to pacify the dissatisfaction I was feeling in my life.  Drinking to numb the voice inside my head that was not happy.  Relying on medication to manage the stress and anxiety, or numb it is more accurate…it was always still there because my headspace hadn’t changed.  Finding escapes because somewhere, deep down, I knew this wasn’t right.  This was not how life was supposed to feel. 

It hit me that doing more, working harder, having a better attitude was not the answer.  So, I found an amazing therapist/spiritual healer to begin my journey of self-discovery and healing. 

Fast forward 2 years, I now have a thriving business, supporting women who know there is more to their life than the mundane day to day. 

I work with mommas who are in the same shoes I was in: burnt out and living a life of overwhelm.  I’m here to guide you as you connect more fully with your authentic self, heal old wounds, and align yourself with the life you know you are meant to have!

I believe in you!  If I could find my way out of the darkness, you can TOO!  Don’t wander endlessly waiting for your life to magically change!  I am here to support you and provide you the steps necessary to take back your life and step into your POWER, PURPOSE & ACTIVATE YOUR MAGIC.

Introducing From Barely Surviving to Thriving

A 12 Week, Personalized, One-on-One Coaching Program

Create a life free of mom-guilt and overwhelm by uncovering & stepping into your authentic self.




1 Introductory 60-minute deep dive session and 5 bi-weekly 50-minute intuitive coaching sessions.


Personalized ritual routine

Customized reading and resource list

And additional tools personalized to your needs


Chakra cleansing, energy healing, inner child healing, and more.


Access to me via email in between our scheduled bi-weekly sessions.


intuitive coaching call breakdown: We are getting you from Barely Surviving to Thriving with my signature 6 call method that includes:

  • call 1

    Clarity-We will identify how shame, self-doubt, and burnout show up in your life and the impact of this. We will get clear on what your goals are in reaching a fully integrated, aligned life that allows you to thrive. We will create a plan to your new-found relationship with self and others and introduce the tools we will be using.

  • Call 2

    Exploring Limiting Beliefs and Healing Old Wounds/Inner Child Work-We will get clear on the blocks, insecurities, and fears that have held you back, explore the onset of these limiting beliefs, heal these wounds/inner child, and identify healthier, positive beliefs that you would like to move forward with that are in alignment with your highest self.

  • Call 3

    Connecting with your Intuition/Authentic Self-We will assess your level of present connection with your intuition, utilize tools to support you in accessing your intuition, and practice.

  • Call 4

    Homecoming to Yourself-We will discuss and plan how to integrate your life purpose into your daily living.

  • Call 5

    Troubleshooting Integration-Life is bound to throw us curveballs. In this call we will identify any trouble spots and work through these obstacles by reviewing tools, practicing, and adding additional support and resources.

  • Call 6

    Reflection-We will reflect on the last 3 months and how far you have come. We will help you plan out your next few months of growth!

What you desire…


You have balance in your life, honoring all parts of you in your life.

We’re connecting you to your intuition to help you get in touch with your authentic self.  She’s always been there, we just have to access her and my chakra/reiki knowledge is going to get you grounded and centered to re-discover her and implement her into your present day life!

You have a healthy relationship with yourself, eager to pursue knowing yourself more, and honoring your humanity, faults and all.

Did you know what you think affects how you feel, which then affects what you do?  We’re going to identify and attack those pesky negative, harmful beliefs that hold you hostage and impact your true potential with building awareness into your own harmful beliefs and integrating healthier thinking.

You truly enjoy your children and love your connection with them.

In having a healthier mindset and knowing how to be fully present, you will learn how to truly enjoy the moment with your children, knowing you are both honoring yourself and your role as a mommy.

You feel confident that you will accomplish what you want to in a day, which includes BOTH being an amazing mother and living for your self.

With mindfulness exercises and meditations specific to this you will feel confident and empowered to take on the day in the exact way that you wish!


What will my life look like after completing this program?

Glad you asked!  So the number one thing for me to share is that you’ll get out of this program what you put into it!  Here’s what is possible for you when you FULLY implement the things you’ll learn and practice here!

 Your relationship with your children will be one of love and joy – say buh-buy to overwhelm and irritability!

 Your relationship with yourself will be one full of self care, healthy self talk-tuning into your intuition, which will guide you to honoring your authentic self!

 You’ll have daily practices in place to keep you centered and UN-blocked no matter what obstacles may pop up along your path!

 You’ll feel confident, empowered, and aligned with your highest self!

 You’ll be LIVING YOUR PURPOSE DAILY and being a hell of a mother, modeling to your children how to honor self and follow the path meant for you!

Are you ready?

Sign up now!

For only $999 USD

(Payment Plans Available)

You’ve got a Question? I’ve got an Answer! 


My time is already spread so thin…how am I going to fit in yet another thing?

I hear you momma!  Your time is precious!  That is why we maximize the time we have together and start implementing tools and techniques right away!  In this program we are teaching you how to maximize your energy, which maximizes your time. Working with us means you get more done faster and you don’t have to worry about second guessing yourself because you’re learning from experts.

How is this different than reading a parenting book?

There are some really helpful resources out there…actually there are A LOT, like TOO MANY.  Have you ever just googled “parenting help?”  Everyone proclaims to have the answer to making life easier…with just one more action, skill, or implementation.  In this program we start from the beginning-that means we start with you.  No parent and no family is the same.  What works for one family is not going to be the same for another.  With this program, we cater specific to your needs, desires, and goals.  We access your authentic self to determine what will suit you best and get you the results you want!

I’m already in counseling.  What would be different about this program?

That’s great!  Keep that up!  Counseling is really helpful in having a safe space to work on yourself.  I am a licensed professional counselor and have seen the benefit working with my clients.  I also attend counseling and know how helpful it is to have a space just for me to grow and evolve.  With this program, there may be times that I pull from my experience and training in the counseling world, but it includes so much more.  In this program, we pull in spiritual work, like reiki, chakra/tarot readings, meditations, intuitive readings, etc.  Here we are getting clear about where you are and focusing our attention on bringing forth your highest self vibes!

Eek!  I so want to do this but I’m just not sure about the price!  Is this really worth it?

Okay, I’m going to be brutally honest with you here!  This program is 100% worth every last penny, but you’re only going to get out of it what you put in it!  So, if you join, but then you don’t actually go through the resources, participate in the calls, and practice the skills, you’re probably not going to get out of it what you’re looking for. On the other hand, if you dive in head-first, this program can absolutely be your next step to the life you’ve desired for YEARS!

I’ve personally invested TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars into my own coaching/mentoring and counseling, and I’ve never regretted a single cent!  I know I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t been willing to believe in myself enough to make an investment!

Don’t let another year go by living in self-doubt, shame, or burnout.  Saying “next time” or “I’ll do it later” is the biggest energy drain that exists and stops your manifestation powers dead in their tracks. Staying in the position you’re in now will drain you mentally, physically, and spiritually, and will likely lead to you falling back into the hamster wheel of “doing more” or “working harder.”

That massage you dream of booking one day, that book you have been dying to read, that day marked off all to yourself-all of it, is meant for you and what you deserve.

Saying yes to yourself today is an immediate energetic up-level to give you more time, more energy and the support you need to connect and align more fully with your authentic self, creating the life you are meant to have.    

It’s time to believe in yourself, value your desires and book your discovery call with me today so you can step into your POWER.