Intuitive Energy Readings

An Intuitive Energy Reading is a deep dive into where you are at this moment in time. It is a powerful way to support you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and provides insight & awareness into your present challenges, blockages, as well as guidance on next steps for your growth and healing. In our session, we’ll connect to your highest self, guides, and the wisdom of your soul to get a clear understanding of where you are. We’ll note and process what each of your chakras reveals and any intuitive messages that come through.


  • You desire more clarity in your life and where you are headed

  • You’re curious what your authentic self is trying to tell you

  • You are seeking support with navigating life transitions and changes

  • You’re feeling stuck and unsure of what is holding you back

  • You’re starting to dig into your own intuition & spirituality

  • You’re open to connecting with your Spirit Team (highest self, spirit guides, and ancestors)

  • Something inside is telling you that you are meant for amazing things but you struggle with self-doubt

The Intuitive Energy Reading process

  • In preparation

    Prior to each session, I cleanse myself and my space so that I may be grounded and open to receive what comes through for you.

    I then spend at least 30 minutes in meditation, connecting with and reading your energy through your 7 main chakras, consulting with your highest self, spirit guides, and ancestors, and noting any messages that are coming through for you.

    Before we even meet, I will have sheets full of notes ready to discuss with you.

  • The session

    We’ll open the session by identifying your intention for the Reading. This intention sets the tone and energy for what will come up during our time together.

    I’ll then share what came through in your Reading- discussing each message and sharing the guidance Spirit has for you. I offer a safe, supportive environment during this time, knowing that what we discuss is sacred and very personal to you. You are free to ask questions or discuss what comes up for you.

    All sessions are recorded and sent to you so that you can listen back and reference them whenever you need to.

  • In Closing

    At the end of the Reading, I pull a card for you. I have many Oracle and Tarot decks and will intuitively pick a deck and a card to share with you at the end of our time together.

    Clients report leaving the session with new insight about their present life circumstances, new-found support from their Spirit Team, and guidance on next steps toward living their most authentic life.

    When appropriate, I offer resources such as books, podcasts, crystal recommendations, teachers, etc. that can support you along the way.

    My hope is that you’ll feel seen. Feel unstuck. Feel grounded…and ready for what’s ahead.