
A holistic and modern approach to navigating the uncertainty in life

My readings offer an opportunity for clarity and support when you are feeling stuck, unsure, or just curious about what life’s throwing at you. I believe that through these readings, you can obtain insight and awareness into what you are facing and walk away with tangible steps that will guide you through your personal journey.

This is for you if:

  • You’re beginning your spiritual journey & want to discover more of your authentic self

  • You’re ready to tap into your intuition and highest self

  • You desire support for your mental, emotional, physical & spiritual well-being

  • You desire guidance on life transitions

  • You’re feeling blocked or stuck

  • Seeking overall clarity in any or all aspects of your life

Tarot readings

  • This reading will create a roadmap for the month ahead, identifying your goals, obstacles, and accomplishments, as well as sources of support and encouragement.

  • This reading offers a manageable peek into the future, providing plenty of insights, ideas, inspiration, and answers.

  • This reading can be done at any time of year and consists of one card that describes the overarching theme for the year and 12 additional cards for each month of the next year.

  • This reading reviews your prior year, what you have learned most, what you are shedding, what you are taking with you, and what to expect in this new, exciting next year!

  • This reading will offer you insight into each of your 7 main chakras. If you are wanting to tap into your energetic body and re-align with your authentic self, this is a great reading for you!

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed and torn in different directions? Your mind may be saying, “work, work, work,” but your body is saying, “get me out of here!” This reading will offer you insight into where your mind, body, and soul are and how best to re-integrate and feel one with yourself again.

  • The Celtic Cross Reading is one of the most popular and classic Tarot readings of all time! Each card in this 10-card Tarot spread delivers answers and advice for even the most complex situations.

    Card 1: Present

    Card 2: Challenge

    Card 3: Past

    Card 4: Future

    Card 5: Above (goal, aspiration, best outcome)

    Card 6: Below (subconscious, core foundation of situation)

    Card 7: Advice

    Card 8: External Influences

    Card 9: Hopes and/or fears

    Card 10: Outcome

  • These other readings not offering the unique support you’re seeking? Then this reading may be for you! Ask any 3 questions and I will create a customized reading offering additional insight and support that will aide you in next steps.

  • This reading offers insight and support on how best to increase your self-compassion/self-esteem/self-acceptance and what you can do to step back into alignment with your authentic self. Sometimes in life, we can go through phases where life hits us so hard that we end up in a place of self-judgment and self-doubt. We lose our way. Let’s shake up your energy and get you back on track!

  • Ready to let go of something or someone? This reading will offer insight and guidance on what is keeping you stuck and how to finally release what is no longer serving you.

  • Finding it hard to trust yourself? Struggling with self-doubt? This reading offers awareness and insight into what is holding you here and how you can break through self-doubt and begin stepping into self-assurance.

  • Curious what your higher self would say if she spoke to you right now? This reading is for you! In this reading, I tap into your energy and utilize the cards as a tool to obtain messages from your higher self.

Distance reading. Receive via email within 2-3 days.

Includes: Includes written reading + picture of your tarot spread.

My views about Tarot

I wanted to take a minute to express my views about tarot. Along my journey into the discovery and use of tarot, I have met many and read about many tarot readers and their beliefs, ideas, and views of this valuable tool. As I learned about tarot, I took time along the way to bounce it off my belief systems, my views of being, and listened into what my authentic self had to say about it. Ever since I could remember I have had a desire to hear people’s stories, to understand humans, and to be a support. I believe that is why I spent 10 years being a counselor (and still am in a smaller capacity). I believe the greatest awakening and evolution of humans happens from WITHIN…I believe humans have the ability to create lives that are magical, freeing, and everything they want. The caveat-they have to be aware of their inner yearnings…their inner voice…

Here is where tarot comes in. I believe tarot helps you tap into your unconscious wisdom, bringing this beautiful inner support to the surface for you to access. In utilizing tarot as a tool in this way, the purpose is to empower YOU, accessing YOUR highest self and taking action congruent with YOUR authentic self. When we are viewing life from this space, we can see our circumstances with a fresh perspective that can be supportive and empowering instead of daunting and overwhelming.

You will see that I call myself a tarot “practitioner” not a tarot “reader” because you are the main character here, not me. Part of my belief system of the tool of tarot comes from Holistic Tarot by Benebell Wen and Transformative Tarot Counseling from Katrina Wynne, both hitting on the importance that you, the seeker, are the one that can take these cards and turn them into something beautiful.

Ready to give it a whirl? Because I am stoked to be able offer this space for you!