Hi, I’m Angel…

What I do: I support people who want to tap into their intuition, step into their power, and create the life they are meant to live.

Why I do it: My own journey has led me to this moment. This moment of realizing our true potential and power.

It wasn't but a few years ago, I found myself burnt out, exhausted, and barely surviving. I was coping with food, meds, alcohol...anything to distract me from the unhappiness I was experiencing. Running a business, having a husband who was both working a high stress job and attending law school, and mothering 2 young children had me busy as can be. Throw in a pandemic and I had met my match.

I'm typically an optimist. I see the silver lining. I look for good in everything. But at that time in my life, I had nothing more to give. I was annoyed most days, a moment away from tears, and taking it out on the people I loved the most. I had enough.

I reached out to a spiritual counselor that was recommended to me to start addressing what I couldn't ignore anymore. Through this process, I was able to take back my life. I made goals for myself which included yoga teacher training and reiki training. I prioritized self care with things like facials and working out. I identified what type of environment brought joy to my life and took action…such as bringing more color into my life and adding indoor plants to my office and bedroom. Most importantly, I learned how to drop into my heart and live, not from the worries and stressors that my headspace could produce but from from a grounded, peaceful, loving space that could only be accomplished by living from my heart center. Needless to say, I stepped into my power and took back my life.

I now work alongside others who are seeking the same thing. I would love to walk alongside you, cheering you on, being a resource and a guide for rediscovering your intuition, connecting with your authentic self, and stepping into your purpose and power.